Kabul, Afghanistan
+9379 690 0166

Nejat Center

for Social Development, Drug Rehabilitation and Medical Services Organization (NDRC)

About Us

Welcome to the Nejat Center

Nejat Center for Social Development, Drug Rehabilitation, and Medical Services (NDRC) is a non-government, nonprofit, and non-political organization founded in 1991 in Peshawar, Pakistan, where it mainly served Afghan refugees addicted to drugs. Nejat Center shifted its office to Kabul in 2005 and has been offering humanitarian services in drug rehabilitation and harm reduction, HIV/AID prevention, nutrition, food security and livelihood, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), peacebuilding and social reintegration, street child education, women's education, skills building, and emergency shelter in different provinces of Afghanistan.

NDRC has a rich experience in implementing more than 100 projects with the help of national and international donors, such as ORA International, DOH, UNODC, Church Aid (NCA), the European Union EU, Deutsch Orden’s Hospital-work Norwegian, and the United Nations Fund for Drug Control (UNDCP) across Afghanistan.

Nejat Center has recently taken an initiative of a community-based drug abuse prevention follow-up project to provide support for drug users in Kabul through drop-in centers and winter night shelters, as well as vocational training and income generation interventions for Afghan vulnerable women and households. Both interventions are implemented and pursued by a technical volunteer team, which contains 70% female and 30% male staff of the Nejat Center in the Shar-e-Kohna area of Kabul city.


Drug Rehabilitation

Medical Services

Social Development 

Emergency response


·        Treatment, rehabilitation and recovering of drug addicts.

·        Harm reduction, need lead syringe exchange program (NSEP), awareness and prevention of the prevalence of drug usage.

·        Prevention of transmission of blood borne diseases (HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis B & C and STIs).

·        Follow-up and social reintegration of the recovered drug users.

·        Primary health care

health PHC (food supply and proper nutrition. Maternal and child healthcare, including family planning.

·        Adequate and safe water supply and basic sanitation.

·        Immunization against major infectious diseases, disabilities and mental health disorder


·        Women empowerment and skills development

·        Income generation activities

·        Women Socio economic resilience

·        Emergency need assessment

·        Multipurpose cash distribution

·        NFI (first aid assisance, winterization kits, hygiene kits dignity kits, hot meal distribution

·        Awareness session






Projects Completed
Beneficiaries Reached
Professional Team Members
International Donors


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